Saturday, October 08, 2005

Peculiar Arp 295

I know that you have no idea bout the title. I had no idea about the Universe until I took Astronomy class. This class changed my whole view about everything. I have never thought about light-traveling. Stars on the sky were just stars for me but now, stars on the sky make me feel a lot of possibilities for the future.

This is amazing pic. and information about nearly 250,000 light-years ago. These evidence would probably convince you that these two huge star systems have passed close to each other in the past, and you would feel the violet color tides visualy induced by mutual gravity... it's pretty!

When I worked for Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center before, I honestly had no idea what our organization was supporting for. Sorry! I hope Otake-san and Hiromi are still working hard for these projects!


Anonymous said...

Cool story, Rika. The stars are amazing! Watched a documentary on Einstein the other night, mostly regarding his E=MC2 but also about his fascination with light and light-travel. Also, found a very cool site today...something a lot closer: great pics of our planet.

Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

Anonymous said...

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