Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am a carpenter!

Finally, I finished Hand Power Tool Class, which was a totally new thing to me. I had to use a table saw to do rough cut, cross cutting, and ripping S4S lumbers. I used Jointer machine to joint length NOT grain end. I used a scroll saw and a band saw to make curves. I also used a Router machine to decorate edges, a sanding machine to sand lumbers, drills to make some wholes and drill nails etc.

This was fun class although it was tough to carry around 8 foots lumbers!

Here is my small bench. I am a carpenter now.

My Grandma Part II

Today, I sprayed for molding by silicon. Basically, this spray would prevent absorption of water while molding.

Grandma & Rika

Grandma's back

Molded by Silicon. This reminded me of an alien.

Sunday, October 23, 2005





Monday, October 17, 2005

My Grandma

My grandma passed away last June, and she was 94. I have been struggling with the grief, and I kept it in my bosom for a long time. It's been four months since she passed away, but I still cannot let her go. I could not make it to her last because I was here in the U.S. My mom asked the hospital to let my grandma call me because I'm her soul mate. Even though my grandma had an alzheimer at the end, she always recoginised me even though she forgot about my mom, her own daughter. My mom was very jealous about that, and she still complains about it.

When my grandma called me from the hospital, my grandma was very cheerful and asked me where I was and what I was doing. I told her I'm designing floor plan for my school project in Seattle. She was more excited about American food than my school project. I told her I will go back to Japan during the summer break to see her and it was only 18 days before the summer break started. She was very happy that I told her that I will go home to see her during the break, but she passed away a day after our talk on the phone. I blamed myself that I did not go back to home immediately. I did not even make it to her funeral. I did not have any close friends here that time, so I cried in my bed every nights. My roommates, Brian and Jean, are probably wondering why I go bed so early and came out with puffy eyes every morning.

I feel that my grandma is still there if I call her. It's probably denial, but who care? I just want my grandma close to me forever. I know it's not good crying every nights though. My brain starts hurting, which is not a good sign, right? My brain and mentality were/are messed up for a long time. I almost gave up what I was trying to achieve here, and I almost decided to go back to Japan. But my grandma's voice always cheered me up. I can still here in my head, "Rika, what the hell are you doing? You spent five years to save money to go back to the U.S. to finish up your degree. Don't even think about giving up. I'm not exist like before, but I'm in a very peaceful place, and I'm in your heart always. Just talk to me what you want to talk about. I can hear you and you can hear my voice and advice what you should do. You know it. I don't worry about you. You are strong."

I've been processing my feeling last four months. People told me "Sorry for your loss. Take your time," but how long time I will be like this? If my grandma was here, she would probably yell at me, "Rika, you are wasting your time," I know I know grandma. I think I found a good procedure to let you go.

In my 3D class, we have an assignment - MASS: Internal forces and external pressures. I decided to make a sculpture of my grandma. My teacher told me "Are you serious?" First, I stared at a picture of my grandma, and I asked her "Why did you leave me now! I don't think it was a good timing for me." I was crying in my class, but I really did not care because this was my secret process between my grandma and myself. My classmates probably thought that I was a psycho.

I made a shape by cray, and I will mold it by Plaster. These pictures are first steps, and I will need to make more details. I thought I needed a photo, but my grandma's face was clearly in my head. Everyone in my class started patting her head and says, "How's your grandma doing?"

First, making a overview.
Probably, my grandma is saying, "Don't make winkles so much!"
This was her favorite hair style. Whenever she took me to Tokyo to see my cousins, she spent a long time to make her hair like this.

While I've been curving, and making grandma's face, I enjoyed thinking about things what we did together. We were so close to each other that we talked about everything. My mom was jealous about that, too. My grandma was a very adventurous person, and she always wanted me to try to do new things. She was the one who told me that I should move to a big city to see the world instead of staying in that small town in the countryside. My mom hated that idea because she wanted me to stay in that small town and get married.

So... I fist moved to Tokyo when I was 18 to go to school, and I moved to London to play music when I was 22. Then, I moved to Seattle when I was 28. I went to UW and I did volunteer work for Chicken Soup Brigade. There was one HIV patient, who I was very close to. I wanted to help his last here in Seattle because his family in Japan did not want him to go back to home. But my visa was expired, and I had to leave him. That was one of my other regrets I carried all the way to here, too. But once I graduate from the school, I want to go back to Chicken Soup Brigade to help people out. Anyway, I had to go back to Tokyo for five years to save finances to come back to Seattle. My grandma always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Now, here, I am in Seattle again. Thanks for my grandma cheerleader. You did an awesome job to cheer me and support me.
Dearest my grandma, I am so sorry for I could not make it going back to Japan to see your last. However, I knew that you came here to see me before you left here for the hereafter.
First, making her sculpture is my process to let her go, and think about her amazing fullfledged life, but I noticed that I don't have to let her go. Since I thought I had to let her go, I had a hard time, but I noticed that she is always always in my heart and with me. Whether people think I'm strange or not, my grandma is staying in my heart, and she always gives me great advice. The idea that I don't have to let her go made me feel calm and right. If my teacher did not give me A on this project, I would kick his ass.

I want to go back to Japan with my grandma's statue, and I want to visit her grave. Her bronze statue will fly with me for 11 hours, and 2 hour bus trip to my hometown. Grandma, we have a long trip waiting for us. LOVE always.
Molded by Silicon. This reminded me of an alien.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My art works

I love playing with colors. I also love tulips. This is one of assignments for my class. Although I have to spend a lot of times on works, I love drawing pictures. Holding brushes makes me feel good.

Yuko's Birthday Party

From left, Noriko and Kien engaged!

Today, we had a surprise birthday party for Yuko.

Surprise thing for us is that her 11 months baby is really big and cute. We had a lot of food, and a big cake. That was fun.

Other big news was that Kien and Noriko got engaged. I am soooooo happy for them. They are looking for a house but houses in Seattle are really expensive. We saw some house pictures that they visited and checked, and some houses looked really good. Good luck on house hunting!

Meriphew - CD is coming soon!

My friend, Kelly's new CD is coming soon, I hope!

Check this out => Meriphew,

You can buy his former cd, "Life Volume" from amazon. It's really good. Brian kept humming for a while after he listened to Meriphew. It was sold in Japan, too.

I have been waiting for his new CD for a looooooong time. I need some good music for winter season.

Late night meal - Popcorn

I am in love with Popcorn last three weeks... it requires only 3 minutes to cook. However, it was too big bag to finish eating alone, so I found a mini-popcorn package. This requires only 1 minute and 30 seconds. This is perfect, and WONDERFUL!

I love eating popcorn and watching movies with my cat, Gracy.

Ready for some mivies!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Peculiar Arp 295

I know that you have no idea bout the title. I had no idea about the Universe until I took Astronomy class. This class changed my whole view about everything. I have never thought about light-traveling. Stars on the sky were just stars for me but now, stars on the sky make me feel a lot of possibilities for the future.

This is amazing pic. and information about nearly 250,000 light-years ago. These evidence would probably convince you that these two huge star systems have passed close to each other in the past, and you would feel the violet color tides visualy induced by mutual gravity... it's pretty!

When I worked for Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center before, I honestly had no idea what our organization was supporting for. Sorry! I hope Otake-san and Hiromi are still working hard for these projects!

Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel is amazing. I knew it's good but I re-noticed that it was marvelous channel especially one of their program, "Extreme Engineering," has almost made me not to go to school. (

One of their show was about a super train in the ocean. One day, this would be happened maybe... Their hypothetical plan is that the train could run as 5,000 miles/hour speed in the sea, 800miles. To avoide G forces, chairs in the car would be rotated. Each car has own extinction system. This allow us to travel from NY to London, and it takes only 54 minutes! From Seattle to Japan, it mabe around 1 hour and a few minutes! The thing is that some engineers are seriously working on this. Isn't this amazing if this would be happened in the future?

Anyway, I will keep watching Discovery, and don't worry, I will try to go to school at the same time.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Raining Season

Nice summer is gone, and welcome to the cold season...

I thought I was a morning person. I woke up 6AM everyday for summer. However, I started feeling like ... 6AM is too early ... ten more minutes ... oh ... 7:00AM is still fine ... well ... here I am not a morning person anymore for winter time.

I wish I live in Hawaii. I envy my cousin who lives in Hawaii. Her closet represents a tropical island. Her colorful summer dresses, t-shirts, skirts and beach sandales are daily clothes. Look at my closet - rain coats, very thick winter coats, scarfs, jackets with hoods for raining, and so on. You can tell how it's complicated weather here I have. Oh, well, it's not that complicated because it's raining all the time. That's why I appreciate summer in Seattle.

Good thing is that I can study so hard because it's raining outside. One more other good thing is that I don't need a weather forecast in winter time. Just asume that it's going to rain.

I have a unique friend, Kelly. He loves this raining cold season. He saids, "Grrrrrrr" in summer but he saids, "WooHoo" in winter time. He is from Arizona, it's pretty hot place. He kept moving places tward north. If he needs cooler place than Seattle, I am sure that he would keep moving toward Canada.

Reading books sounds really good to me today with Gracie (cat).

Monday, October 03, 2005



ロビンとは、1999年、私が初めてシアトルに訪れた以来の友達だ。99年University of WashingtonでロビンはSocial Workに就くための学科を取得していた際に、ヴォランティアを通じて知り合った仲だ。散歩しながらロビンが、”99年には、りかと、こんなに色んな会話できなかったよね。” 確かに、99年には、ロビンが言っていることの60%ほどしか理解できなく、会話ごとに、ロビンを質問攻めにした記憶がある。だからと言って、今の私の英語力に満足している訳でない。英語は、永遠の課題だ(涙)。



その後、前のホストファミリーと夕食の約束があったので、Thomasファミリー宅へ運転。懐かしい気持ちで一杯だった。新しい学生が日本から来てて、渡米してまだ2週間のMakikoさんは、少し緊張気味だった。夕食は、Gingerお手製のパスタ&ブレッド&サラダ&デザート。あの食事で昔20パウンド近く太った記憶が蘇ったぞ。Gingerとは話し出すと、二人でワインを1~2本あけてしまう&Endless Talkだ。帰宅時には必ず、Gingerが涙目になるのが、お決まり。

