Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food, Food, and Food.

Since I got organic Japanese radish, I made this radish leaves and radish skin furikake (left on rice). Center is the Japanese satsuma sweet potato (center), and Korean chige (right). Since it's been snowing in Seattle, I wanted to have some warm-up-body food to enjoy the night.


This is seared mackerel with radish, salad, and brown and white rice mix. It's limitted to find variety of inexpensive fishes in the U.S. We are trying to eat fish at least twice a week.  


This is one of our favorite salad. My hostmother, Ginger, basically chopped everything (avocado, tomatos, cilantro, mango, onion) in her refrigerator, and this recipe was innovated. It's very yummy!


1. I used leftover rice, seared with some red onion and spinach. Seared eggplants on top of #1. 3. Made some cream with macaroni, shrimps and spinach. 4. Poured #3 into #2. 5. Put some mozzarella cheese and butter into #4. 6. Bake it with 410F for 15 min.

1.残り物のライスを玉ねぎとほうれん草を入れて炒めて、適当に塩コショウ。ケチャップ入れてもOK 2.油で焼いたナスを#1の上に並べる 3.クリームソースを作る(えび、ほうれん草、マッシュルーム、マカロニなど入れる) 4.3番を注ぐ 5.モッツアレラチーズと、バターを少々載せてオーブン410Fで15分くらい焼いたら終わり。残り物の野菜を何を入れても結構美味しいです。

This recipe is from ABC's The Chew. One of the Iron Chef made this stuffed pizza. You casically make like the pizza like the following picture, and rolled it like the bread. Bake this with 375F for 40 to 45min. It was super easy and yummy!

ABCのChewという番組でアイロンシェフの一人のレシピをコピーです。下記のようにピザ生地をピザを作るようにトマトソース、ペペローニ、アルグラ、バジル、ドライトマト、マッシュルーム、モッツアレラチーズ、好みでフェタチーズやペッパーなどを入れてもOK。最後は、ピザ生地の端っこを持って、巻き寿司作る感じで巻いたら、その上から、オリーブ油、パルメザンチーズ、コショウを少しかけて、切り目を3箇所くらい入れて、375Fのオーブンで40分ほど焼くだけ。トロットロのチーズが最高に美味しい。サラダを添えて、ビールかワインと、すごくあいまーす。我が家の、Happy Friday Menuです。

Human Japanese won the Best App Ever Awards!

Human Japanese was voted 2011 Best App Ever in the category of Young Adults, Android. We are blown away that such a niche app could receive this honor. Thank you to everyone who voted!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Human Japanese has been nominated for the Best App Ever awards!

Our Human Japanese (Japanese learning software) has been nominated for the Best App Ever awards! If you could click the link above to vote for us, we would really appreciate your support! (After the site opens up, just click the big yellow Vote button.)

If you can post the link on your blog and facebook, we would be super happy, too!

Thanks in advance!

---From the Author, Human Japanese---

Human Japanese Intermediate Status Update - January 2012

Hello, everyone, and Happy New Year! Brian Rak here, author of Human Japanese. As promised, I wanted to update you on our progress with Human Japanese Intermediate.

We reached a major milestone over the holidays. The main text is done in principle, and we think you'll love it. We've tried to take everything to the next level, while stayin...g true to the heart and soul of Human Japanese. There are more example sentences, lots more photos, and better reviews, and, of course, kanji, not to mention a few features that I want to keep under wraps for now.

UI design is started in earnest. We're prototyping reviews. We're building smart, understanding from the get-go that we will need to support a multiplicity of screen sizes and resolutions (an advantage we didn't have the first time around). So the process of releasing on the various platforms should be much, much faster than last time.

We still have a ways to go. But this boat is coming to shore. An exact timeline is still tough, but springtime seems reasonable.

I know it's been a long time coming, but Human Japanese is my baby, and I want to give you all the product you've been waiting for, not rush it out the door just for the sake of getting it done.

From here on out, I am going to commit to giving you monthly status reports like this. Thanks so much for your patience and support. I'll be in touch again soon.

Kind regards,
Brian Rak

Monday, January 02, 2012

謹賀新年 明けまして おめでとうございます!

謹賀新年、明けまして おめでとうございま~す。




