We had a wonderful & relaxing time in Mexico. Brian and I were very happy to order drinks as soon as we arrived our Hotel in Los Cabos. We laid down on the beach in front of our Hotel, and we took a little nap with some drinks. It was all inclusive so Brian had non stop drinking for 7 days until the moment we left our hotel. Food was ok, Brian enjoyed food but not me. I was a little pickier than him when it comes to food.
Brian kept saying, "I cannot believe I was in Seattle 5 hours ago!" I nodded 10 times but ignored at the end ;-)
Brian kept saying, "I cannot believe I was in Seattle 5 hours ago!" I nodded 10 times but ignored at the end ;-)
Brian was already drunk in 1 hour
At the Quiet Pool
Took a nap on our favorite hammock
Timeshare salesman got us!
Brian hated this time share presentation but I enjoyed just looking around nice Hotel. They provided us nice lunch and free tours: snorkeling and dinner cruise on the other days so I thought it was kinda fun just looking around Hotels... while Brian was "I hate salesman, they are liars!" 10 times again.Brianはこのタイムシェアーに行くのをすごく嫌がっていたけれど、私は元々タイムシェアーなんて買うつもりはないし、ステキなホテルでのランチプラス、二つFree Tour(スノーケリング&Dinner Cruise Tour)と、ホテル内のインテリアの内装が見れたので満足でした。メキシコ独特のマテリアルを使ったり、コンテンポラリーなモダンな素材を使ったり、勉強になったけど、Salesman大嫌いなBrianは、顔がずーっと引きつっていました(笑)。セールスなんて無視して、楽しめばいいのにーって言っても、”嘘つきなSalesmanは僕は嫌いなの。隙あれば、何かを売ろうとしてるよ”と。はいはい。でも、クレジットカードを出してサインでもしなきゃいいだけでしょーと言っても、”嫌い!”という一点張りのBrianには笑えました。
At the beach in front of our Hotel
At San Jose, downtown, we decided to walk because we kept eating and drinking. It was a good walk.
San Joseに滞在していたので、ダウンタウンまでお散歩しました。食べすぎの飲みすぎ状態だったので、とってもよい運動になったかも。
San Jose
This was one of free tour we got from the timeshare presentation. Brian LOVED this snorkeling cruising tour with free drinks. See, I told you, Brian! Brian was "Well, I have to admit that this is actually FUN. Thanks to the timeshare salesman!"