Monday, April 30, 2007




夜は玉子酒を作って飲ませて消灯。土曜日の朝起きて熱があったら、バンクーバーは中止かな。。。と思いながら、土曜日の朝を迎えた。Brianの調子も良かったので、いざカナダへ出陣。普段ジャンクフードを食べない私達だが、ハイキングやSmallTripの朝はJBOXで、クロワッサンサンド&ハッシュドポテトをドライブするーで購入して、ロードトリップ中に食べるのが恒例だ。JBOXにより、いつものメニューを購入し、高速道路を運転しながらジャンクフードを食べてる自分に、”あー、とうとうWelcome to the USAだー”と思いきや、隣でBrianが”りか、成長したね~”?
お腹がすいたので、FISH HOUSEとい海辺のレストランに。毎朝、ジョギングを楽しむYoshio君が、朝下調べをして、美味しそうなレストランを探しておいてくれました!レストラン内では、半分貸切で結婚式を行っているカップルが。。。あ~、去年の夏、私もあんなだったな~とロマンチックな気分に。たてちん&Yoshio君夫婦も、昨夏に結婚。最近、たてちんが専業主婦になり、現在、専業主婦天国にどっぷりつかっている彼女。昨年、GreenCardの申請中で、彼女達の結婚式に行けなかった私だが、あらためて、おめでと~!!!






バカップル? どうしても、ちょっと悪ぶったポーズを取りたいBrianに参加して


その後子供の遊び場へ(Kids Dryer?本当にAirが出るぞーというBrianの言葉に騙され、たてちん、Air無しのDryerに、がっくり)

レントした1時間もあっという間に過ぎ、時間もあっという間にすぎ、お別れの時間に。。。また次回、たてちん&Yoshio君に会えるのはいつだろう~と思うと、りか涙…。I MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY!!!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tiger Mountain

Our first hike in 2007 was the Tiger Mountain.
Finally, spring is here, we are happy to start hiking. Lars, Keiko, Brian and I decided to go to the Mt. Tiger for 5 miles hiking.

Keiko & Lars,
- Lars was a office mate with Brian. That's how we met, and we really enjoy thier company.

Keiko and I did not expenct that steep trails! I was almost Grrrrrrrrrr but sweet Brian carried all the bags, lunch box which I made (this is our traditional lunch box for hiking = girlic flied chiken, rice ball, egg, and apples), and he pushed my back to be able to walk easily. (Thanks Brian, you are the best.) Lars started giving Keiko piggybag ;-)

Rika Smiles, almost the top!

Brian is getting tired, but ready for the lunch box soon!

When we got on the top to see some lakes and downtown Seattle and Bellevue, I was so relieved that I made it. We had lunch there. Some friendly birds joined us for lunch.

Birds ate egg, apple, etc etc.

However, going down was kinda harder than climing.... our legs started shaking.
That was tough hiking but I'm ready for another trails! When we got home, Brian and I were ready for taking a nap. After we woke up, we went to Bellevue park to see the sunset at Washington Lake.
I love how we can spend a great time together! We are going to Canada this weekend !!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tulip Festival

It's time to enjoy TULIPS !!!

From the left, Mariko, Mark, Rika, Brian, Chuck & Sam went to the Tulip Festival yesterday. It was a full filled day with a lot of FUN.

Six of us got into a big SUV car, which we used a lot of gas, and we cooperated to the Global Warming. Well, it's better than taking three cars separately, right!?

First, we stopped by free wine tasted place. Of cource, Brian and I bought a bottle of sweet wine.

Chuck was driving the car for us, and Brian was the Car-Navi sitting next to Chuck. Mark, Mariko and I were in the second raw. Sam was sitting in the back. We could hear Sam, Zzzzzzzz in the back. It was fun drive up to the Tulip Fields.

Picture Time! Cheese! "Hey, Smile Chuck!"

Of cource, girls enjoyed beautiful Tulips!!!

Tough Brian insisted Rika Piggyback
- Chuck and Mark followed this piggyback ride for their Sweeties.

"Say Cheese, Hey, Smile Chuck again!"

Bee smiles and enjoys Tulips, too!

After enjoying a millions of tulips, we went to a small town to eat lunch and ice cream. It was a very nice weather, and we walked around the small town.

Finally, we drove back to Sam & Chuck's house to have a game-night. Helen and Chuck's mom, Susan, joined us and we enjoyed Sam-Mom's great cook, a feast. Brian and I always LOVE to visit their house to eat Sam's cooking! After eating dinner, we played GAME until midnight.

Since I can only have a fun day in a week because of my school work, I REALLY enjoyed the day with great friends. I hope that we can plan something together very SOON !!!

Now, it's Sunday afternoon. Brian went to a music store to buy a new tool, $600, for his music. Yes, he is making music all day long. Now, he is insisting me to listen to his music. He has a big SMILE like a kid. Ok, ok, ok, play the music.... Actually, wow, it's pretty good. I am always suprised by his talented skill... good, nice jazzy sounds, I like it. Maybe we spent $600 for GOOD.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Human Japaneseb 2.0 is done!!!

Human Japanese 2.0 ( is done! Brian has been working on this software for more than 1 year. I helped 1800 Voice Recording Part. So, if you want to learn Japanese, you can hear my voice everyday through this software ;-) Brian and his business partner, Shane, designed this website and software. Each chapter looks like a colorful text book, voice training, game, etc etc, and graphic design looks very good, too. They captured Japanese subtle color and beauty very well.

Everyday, we can see how many download is going and which country it is. WOW, people from all over the world started downloading the Human Japanese. I feel a little strange that they are listening my voice ;-)

Human Japanese 2.0 (が、やっと完成した!Brianが1年以上かけて作り上げたソフト。私も1800のボイスレコーディングをヘルプした。画面の色んな部分をクリックすると、私の声が聞こえる。すごーく変な気分。



Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Today, I got a really great news from vp, Minddi, of Interior Design Student Office.

The news was...

"If you haven't already heard yet.....YOU ARE THE WINNER OF THE POSTER COMPETITION!! Everyone loved yours & I think that most of the people there voted for you. It will be a poster seen all over BCC campus!"

I am sooooooooo HAPPY now. Here is the poster, which was my hand drawing originally, and I modified it with Photoshop.

Concept is "Spotlight"